
AANI Alumni Condemns Escalating Security Crisis in Nigeria, Calls for Renewed Efforts

In a press statement released on Saturday, the Alumni Association of the National Institute (AANI) expressed deep concern over the worsening security situation in Nigeria. The association deems the recent surge in killings, abductions, and communal clashes across various regions as extremely worrisome.

Highlighting incidents such as the abduction of over 200 schoolchildren in Kaduna State, AANI called for urgent attention from the government and security forces. While commending current efforts, AANI stressed the need for a comprehensive, whole-nation approach to effectively address the multifaceted security challenges facing the country.

During the Association’s 2024 Annual General Meeting on March 2nd, a seminar titled “Security is a Collective Responsibility” was conducted. AANI advocates for a paradigm shift towards a more inclusive strategy, urging the government to consider and incorporate their perspectives in developing and implementing security measures.

The association, consisting of influential and experienced individuals who attended the Senior Executive Course at the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, believes its members can contribute valuable insights for policy formulation. AANI stands ready to collaborate with the government, traditional leaders, and other stakeholders to achieve lasting solutions to the security challenges.

AANI President, Ambassador EO Okafor, emphasized the importance of renewed strategies, tactics, and technology in combating evolving threats. The association reaffirmed its commitment to fostering a better society in Nigeria and pledged continuous partnerships with governments at all levels, as well as other organizations and individuals dedicated to a more secure and prosperous nation.

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