
UNGA77: PMB Departs Nigeria for New York 

President Muhammadu Buhari has departed Abuja on Sunday to attend the 77th General Assembly of the United Nations, UNGA77 in New York, United States.

The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the president’s chief of staff, Ibrahim Gambari, the minister of the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, and some top government functionaries were at the airport to wish farewell to the president.

A statement earlier issued by the President’s spokesman, Femi Adesina on Saturday, said the Nigerian leader would address the UNGA on September 21.

“Aside his National Statement, the president will also participate in high level meetings and side events including the Nigeria International Economic Partnership Forum (NIEPF),” Mr Adesina said.

The forum is convened by Nigeria in partnership with the Business Council for International Understanding.

Mr Adesina added that the president would also participate in the EFCC-NEPAD programme on combating illicit financial flows.

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