
Editorial: CP Kolo’s tactical operations in Zamfara: Change of narrative and sign of success

Zamfara State, like other states in the country, especially those in the North, is bedeviled with security challenges, ranging from kidnapping, cattle rustling, banditry, and other heinous crimes for more than a decade.

History has it that the ugly development began with farmers-headers clashes to reprisal attacks. It later multiplied to include cattle rustling and metamorphous to banditry, Kidnapping for ransom, and other criminal activities that have clouded the state.

The federal and state governments including individuals have spent huge resources and sacrificed lives to restore normalcy in the state earlier known as one of the most peaceful states in Nigeria.  However, the insecurity keeps on escalating intermittently.

 There are so many arguments and counterarguments whether the issue is political or a foreign agenda (conspiracy theory)to destabilize the state endowed with numerous natural resources, which experts opined if properly explored and managed, have the tendency of reducing Nigeria’s over-dependence on oil revenues.

Many experiments designed to halt the spate of insecurity were experimented, such as banning riding motorcycles, shutdown of telecommunication services, and banning the sale of petrol in jerry cans, and the shutdown of many markets as well as limiting operating hours for filling stations among others. However, almost all of the security measures taken yielded little or no positive results.

CP Kolo Yusuf

…Posting of Kolo Yusuf as Commissioner Of Police and the change of narrative 

Though, different security agencies have been deploying and redeploying their principal officers to and from Zamfara State, as one of the good strategies to bring a lasting solution to the security challenges. But the story remained the same as they were not able to address the issue squarely.

The deployment of CP Kolo to Zamfara has indeed changed the security narrative in the state. Because CP Kolo has proven the expectation of the good people of Zamfara state that with the CP’s intelligence and gallantry achievements in many national assignments that he underwent under the auspices of the Nigeria Police Force, including the popular Federal Special Anti Robbery Squad (F-SARS), Special Tactical Squad (STS), Special Weapon and Tactics, (SWAT) among others, he performed extremely excellent.

As his foot touched the soil of Zamfara state on a mission of war against terror,  so also, succor heralded the lives of many people, fully knowing that the gallant and agile senior police tactical operative and his men, with Almighty God as their guide, will surely work assiduously toward arresting, prosecuting and or neutralizing the bandits and their cohorts.  

CP Kolo with his track records of service, decades of experience in intelligence gatherings and tactical operations, coupled with his academic accomplishments as a lawyer and Ph.D. holder as well as many decorations including pass staff course (psc), conduced to make him equal to the task in the fight against insurgency in Zamfara state. 

He is using all of the above God-given talents by mapping out strategies to denounce criminals in Zamfara State through a helpful tactical approach which includes blocking all supply channels to bandits in the forest that led to the arrest of many informants, collaborators, logistics suppliers as well as those supplying arms and ammunition to the bandits.

SMARTS NEWS reliably gathered that Kolo’s operation cut across both civilians and those in uniform (undesirable elements) through the exhibition of a high level of expertise and professionalism.

However, there has never been a war without some challenges, therefore, the anticipated challenges ahead of the gallant Kolo, is intimidation and threats by bandits accomplice in the midst of innocent people who have no access to him to secure mercy for their boys who might enter Kolo’s net due to ruthless approach against criminals.

Even though CP Kolo believes his action speaks louder than voice, with the frequent arrests and confessions by the arrested suspects, we, at Smart News, cannot afford to fail in presenting the success recorded so far, as the court of public opinion.

It is against that background that CP Kolo Yusuf always attributes his successes to Allah the Almighty and solicits prayers from good people to enable him to deliver and excel silently without bragging.

SMARTS NEWS predicts success in the fight against the bandits terrorists in near future but also sights resistance and sabotage facing Kolo Yusuf and his team from the gullible and shallow-minded persons even as many of Zamfara people declared their readiness to face anyone trying to intrude into the ongoing tactical operations by CP Kolo Yusuf of Zamfara State Police Command.

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