
INEC alerts public over fake security identity during Gov’ship elections

By Jibril Almustapha

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has alerted Nigerians over fake identity cards for security personnel on the March 18 governorship elections duty.

This was contained in a press statement signed by the INEC National Commissioner and Chairman Information and Voter Education Committee, Fesus Okoye, in the late hours of Friday and obtained by MEDIA SMARTS NIGERIA.

The statement reads, “The attention of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has been drawn to an identity card for security personnel bearing the name and logo of the Commission with the inscription “Complete Access” boldly written in red at the bottom of it.

“We wish to state categorically that the identity card did not emanate from the Commission. Identity cards for security personnel on election duty were issued by the security agencies and not the Commission.

“Anyone bearing an identity card allegedly issued by the Commission for security personnel can only be on illegal duty. Such a person is liable to arrest and prosecution.

“The public is alerted to this diabolical action of some misdirected elements and to report any such persons to the security agencies.”

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