
Yobe State Records Significant Success on Education – SSG

The Yobe state government says it has recorded significant success in uplifting the standard of Education in the state .

The secretary of the state government Baba Malam Wali  stated this in an exclusive interview with SMARTS NEWS Correspondent.

He said that the government imposed a state of emergency on the educational  sector to uplift the standard and ensure effective enrollment of girls in schools.

He said the Government took the decision of imposing a state of emergency on the sector due to restoration of peace in the state.

“After realizing the progress made in terms of security in our state, Governor Mai Mala Buni established a committee headed by the Vice Chancellor of Yobe State University, and within a short period of time they submitted  recommendation on how to rebuild the educational sector in the state and how to ensure training and retraining of teachers as well as reopening the  schools that were closed due to security challenges “

“There is no doubt we have achieved many successes because so far we have been able to revive the school buildings that were destroyed by Boko Haram, we have build the capacity of teacher for effective teaching and learning process,and we’ve also provided adequate instructional material in our schools”

Baba Malam Wali noted that senior and  junior secondary schools were reopened in the state, especially girls’ schools stressing that girl child education was very paramount to the Buni’s Administration.

Regarding the issue of health, the Secretary of the Yobe state government said ,the administration of Mai Mala Buni has played a vital role in improving the health care of the entire state.

“Since the year 2015 when Governor Mai Mala Buni came to power, he vowed to provide primary health care facilities at least in every ward in the state. We’ve completed the renovation of 140 primary health care out of 178 wards we have in the state, the remaining 38 are currently under construction and will be completed soon.”

The secretary of the state government maintained that government was according much priority to Health college with Aim of producing qualified health personnel who will cater for the teeming populace of the state.

“Currently ,Governor Mai Mala Buni has paid  scholarship of at least 400 students who have been sent to study health in different institution ,within Nigeria and Diaspora

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