
Bello Matawalle of Zamfara State: A Civil Servants Friendly Governor – NLC

The Nigeria Labour Congress and the Trade Union Congress Zamfara state Chapter have described the State Governor, His Excellency, Bello Mohammed Matawalle, MON, FSESN as a civil servants’ friendly governor.

 The two unions further commended the APC-led administration in the state for being religiously up and doing in fulfilling the yearnings and aspirations of the civil servants in the State, particularly, his recent approval of thirty thousand naira National Minimum Wage.

The commendation was showered during a courtesy visit by the Executive members of the Unions led by their state Chairmen, Comrade Sani Halliru and Comrade Saidu Mudi Allahuwa, respectively.

Gov Matawalle on Round Table with Zamfara labour leaders

The chairmen reiterated that the visit became necessary because when the red alert of strike action was pressed, His Excellency Governor Bello Mohammed Matawalle who was away in the US attending the UN General Assembly 2022 quickly constituted a committee under the leadership of an APC Chieftain in the state and former Minister, Ambassador Bashir Yuguda Gusau, where the committee was mandated by the Governor to quickly swing into action and report within a short period.

According to the Chairmen, NLC and TUC members are partners in the progress of the state, as such, they rescinded their earlier intention of industrial action for the development, progress, and growth of the state; instead of the strike, they adopted the mantra of the Matawalle APC-led administration of peace and reconciliation approach which helped tremendously in getting the needful done on time, leaving all the workers in the state wearing beautiful smiles on their faces.

Zamfara top Govt Officials

The NLC and TUC leaders also recalled that there are numerous commendable leadership policies and programmes worth commending and emulating that governor Matawalle achieved in his administration which have a direct bearing on the lives and welfare of both active and retired public servants.

They added that not quite long, the Governor approved and ensured all former old retired Permanent Secretaries that served the state and the defunct Sokoto state who have been wallowing with a very meager pension have been equated with the present take home of the contemporary retired Permanent Secretaries and have already started enjoying the gesture.

Gov Matawalle and His Deputy, Nasiha

The leaders of the labour unions in the state also commended the laudable efforts of the Governor in the areas of the decade-long security situation in the state and improvement in the economy of the state.

Standing Ovation for Gov Matawalle

The Governor in his response appreciated the maturity of the leaders of the labour unions and their members, assuring them that the state Government will always consider the civil servants as an integral part of the Government.

Governor Matawalle assured the labour union members that he always shares their feelings as a former public servant at both state and federal levels.

He further called the attention of the union leaders and their members to the fact that the myriad challenges were all inherited, however, drastic measures are being taken to unwind such challenges and set the state free from its shackles soon.

Gov Matawalle in Group Photograph with Labour leaders

A lot of crises he said include huge deductions that the state experiences monthly which retard its take home after the deductions, adding that because of his firm positive belief in effecting positive changes, the state will be taken to the promised land soon.

The Governor promised that he is determined to build a befitting Labour House before the end of his tenure and administration in the state so that the trade unions can boast of a presentable office for their members.

Cross section of personalities in attendance

The high point of the meeting was a rosy standing ovation and cheerful hearty cheers the unions gave to the Governor, Chairman of the Committee ambassador Bashir Yuguda, Executive and legislative members of the state as well as APC leadership and top government officials for their promptness in handling the labour matter amicably to a logical conclusion

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