
Brig Gen S Ahmed Consoles Emir of Bungudu over Mother’s Death.

HRH Emir of Bungudu Sarkin Fulani Alhaji Hassan Attahiru MFR, has received the Commander, 1 Brigade Nigerian Army, Headquarters Gusau Zamfara State, Brig. Gen S Ahmed in a condolence visit over the death of his mother Hajiya Hauwa’u Atto Bungudu.

In a condolence speech, the Army Commander said the Brigade has continued to enjoy goodwill of the Royal father, hence the need to show concern to his plight and that of the good people of Bungudu emirate.

Brig. Gen. S Ahmed on behalf the officers and men of the Brigade prayed Allah Allah SWT to forgive the deceased all her shortcomings and grant the family fortitude to bear irreparable and painful loss.

He said late Hajiya Hauwa’u lived a life worthy of emulation as she instilled discipline on her children and supported the societal moral uprightness.

Responding the Emir thanked the Brigade Commander for the concern shown to him and prayed Allah to reward him abundantly.

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