
Federal Government Denies Rumors of Foreign Military Bases in Nigeria

The Federal Government of Nigeria has vehemently denied any consideration or discussion regarding the establishment of foreign military bases in the country.

Addressing what he termed as “false alarms” circulating in certain quarters, in a recent press statement released, the Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, urged the general public to disregard such claims entirely. 

He emphasized that there have been no talks with any foreign country regarding the siting of military bases within Nigeria’s borders.

Furthermore, Minister Idris underscored the existing foreign cooperation Nigeria enjoys in addressing its security challenges. He assured the public of the government’s commitment to fostering and deepening these partnerships to fulfill the national security objectives outlined in the Renewed Hope Agenda.

This statement comes amidst growing concerns and speculations regarding Nigeria’s security landscape and its engagement with foreign entities. The government’s firm denial seeks to clarify its stance and reassure the public of its commitment to national security.

For further updates, the Ministry of Information and National Orientation encourages citizens to stay tuned to official channels for accurate information.

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