
FGC Yauri Female Student Gives Birth to baby at Terrorists’ Camp

A female student among the over 100 students abducted at Federal Government College, FGC, Yauri in Kebbi State gave birth to a baby boy.

PRNigeria reports that the young mother is among 11 remaining female students yet to be released after gunmen had abducted over 100 students and eight teachers and killed a policeman in the mixed boarding school (FGC Yauri) on June 17, 2021.

The girl, whose name could not be confirmed as at the time of press, delivered a baby boy in the abductors’ camp in the forest, according to sources.

One of the sources inform PRNigeria that the parents of the 11 remaining schoolgirls in captivity expressed great concern despite payments of huge ransom and prisoner swaps with abductors at different times.

“When the government, especially Governor Atiku Bagudu of Kebbi, ruled out negotiation with the armed group, which demanded ransom, families of the abducted students contributed and paid the ransom for the release of their daughters

“It is disheartening that the bandits collected huge ransoms and married off some of the victims and yet refused to release the remaining abductees,” the source added.

It could be recalled that, a few days after the abduction, security operatives succeeded in rescuing some of the students,security operatives succeeded in rescuing some of the students, while others escaped from the gunmen in the process of taking them away. The bandits also released the teachers and 30 of the students.

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