
Lightning: Zannan Bungudu installs Solar street lights in Zamfara communities

A Member Representing Maru/Bungudu federal constituency in Zamfara state, Hon. Abdulmalik Zubairu Bungudu in Zamfara state has electrified Runji community, provided solar power at Nahuche town in the state.

Speaking while inspecting some projects executed by the Lawmaker, his Special Assistant Alhaji Jamilu Umar said over fifty solar power street lights were installed at Nahuche town including, market, graveyard in the area.

Solar street lights at Runji village in Bungudu LGA provided by Zannah

He further revealed that complete electrification of Runji community of Bungudu Local Government Area was executed by the lawmaker.

“Hon. Abdulmalik Zubairu Zanna Bungudu has provided electricity to Runji community, constructed Dispensary,mosque and installed brand new transformer to the community”.

Hon.Abdulmalik Bungudu member representing Bungudu/ Maru federal constituency has survived opposition petitions at the election tribunals in both Sokoto and Abuja courts.

Speaking with newsmen on Saturday at his home town in Bungudu, Hon Abdulmalik Zubairu Bungudu revealed that he would not relent in his efforts of bringing more succor to his constituents.

According to him,in a few days time he would officially commission an ultra modern women and children hospital constructed at Bungudu town ,which he said was fully equipped.

Hon. Abdulmalik further disclosed that a lot of development projects were underway across his constituency which would include free healthcare,free education, provision of portable drinking water and above all ,he assured of more security to people’s lives and the property.

“I want to let you know that my people love me and I too love them so much, more projects are coming for the development of my constituency and state at large,God willing “. He assured.

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