
NADCEL 2023: 1 Brigade holds public speaking, says “we are defeating Bandits” in Zamfara

The 1 brigade Nigerian Army, Gusau held public speaking engagement at Lala International school, Gusau as part of the series of activities lined up for the Nigerian Army Day Celebration 2023 (NADCEL)

During the session which was chaired by the Brigade Commander 1 Brigade Nigerian Army and Commander Operation Hadarin Daji OPHD in Zamfara and Kebbi states, Brigadier General S Ahmed, some officers of the Brigade engaged the students on an enlightenment speaking on the dangers of Drugs abuse, criminality and the need to be honest as well as peace loving.

The brigade Commander who was represented by the Garrison commander Colonel Ibrahim Audu said the Nigerian Army choosed to engage the selected secondary schools for the public speaking with a view to ensuring perfect upbringing and an enlightened future leaders.

In his lecture, the head, education unit of the 1 Brigade Major A Muhammad called on the students especially those with ambition to join the army to study well and ensure they meetup with requirements in academic, health, Moral among others.

On his part, Captain Afraid Ummuwonse who talked on the dangers of Drugs abuse said, the students need to be of good behavior and avoid all forms of drugs and other substances abuse for them to be regarded as responsible persons.

In their separate lectures, Captain Mary Wuballa and Master warrant officer Olufemi Mathew who engaged the students on talks about dangers of criminality and ensuring integrity charged the students to keep away from all forms of social vices and be of good habits to excel.

Commenting at the end of the event, the Acting Deputy Director, Army Public Relations, Captain YA Ibrahim said the troops of the 1 Brigade under operation Hadarin Daji (OPHD) were defeating Bandits and will sustain the onslaught against them until normalcy returns to the state.

He assured that the federal government of Nigeria have been supporting the brigade with all the required logistics to crush the terrorists in the region, saying the bridge will continue to maintain the civil military relationship for better service delivery.

The Diretor of studies, Lala International school, Gusau Mr Chalse Afarakwu commended the Nigerian Army for the programme, noting that, alot have been achieved in the areas discussed to catch the students young.

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