
Army: Garrison wins 8 Division inter-brigade corporal, below competition

The 8 Division Garrison emerged the overall winner of the 8 Division Nigerian Army Inter-Brigade Corporal and Below Competition 2023 that was held at Giginya Barracks Sokoto. 

The Competition which featured; Drill, Weapon Handling, Map Reading, Combat Swimming and Obstacle Crossing had 17 Brigade Katsina clinching 2nd position while 1 Brigade Zamfara took the 3rd and last position.

Speaking during the closing ceremony of the  event that commenced on Monday 19 June the General Officer Commanding(GOC) 8 Division Nigerian Army and Commander Joint Task Force North West Operation HADARIN DAJI, Major General Godwin Micheal Mutkut reiterated that the main objective of the competition was to among other things; enhance troops’ physical endurance, improve their leadership traits and organizational ability while promoting esprit-de-corps among the participating troops. 

The GOC who was represented by Commander 58 Signal Brigade Brigadier General  Clement Iyere affirmed  that with the performances of the participating troops, he can confidently state that  the objective of the competition has been achieved without hitches.

He reminded the Junior Non-Commissioned Officers whom he said breach the gap between the senior Non-Commissioned Officers and Officers of the enormous responsibilities and critical roles expected of them especially this period that the 8 Division engaged in Operation HADARIN DAJI in the North West. 

He charged them to exhibit the highest level of discipline and professional competence at all times and urged them to take back to their formations and units the experience they acquired during the competition for the benefit of the Nigerian Army at large.

Highlights of the event were presentation of trophies to the winner formation and medals to individual participants who distinguished themselves during the competition.

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