
Commander 1 Brigade hosts INEC, TUC,  assures restoration of peace in Zamfara

The Commander 1 Brigade Nigerian Army, Gusau, Brigadier General Sani Ahmed has pledged continuous support to Constituted Civil Organizations in Zamfara state. 

The Commander made this pledge on Thursday 17 August 2023, when he received in his office, the Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) of the Independent National Electoral commission (INEC) and the Chairman Trade Union Congress (TUC) Zamfara state chapter as well as the Chairman Zamfara Concern Forum who separately paid him courtesy visit at the Headquarters 1 Brigade Gusau.

In a press release made available to ‘Media Smarts Nigeria’ by the Acting Assistant Director Army Public Relations, Brigadier General Ahmed expressed the Nigerian Army’s readiness to provide support to all constituted civil authorities and promote democratic principles in the state and across the country. 

He further assured the visiting guests of continuous provision of security across the state to enable the various groups to carry out their activities smoothly.

L-R Prof Babura and Brig Gen S Ahmed

Earlier in their separate remarks, the Resident Electoral Commissioner Zamfara state Professor Saidu  Babura Ahmed, commended the Commander 1 Brigade and his troops for providing the enabling and secured environment during the conduct of the last general elections in the state. He also appreciated the professional conduct of the troops in the state during and after the election.

Also the Chairman of the Trade Union Congress (TUC) Zamfara state, Comrade Saidu Mudi and Zamfara Concern Forum, Mr Mujitaba Rufai Gusau commended the Nigerian Army for the successes achieved so far in the state. 

L-R TUC Chairman Comrade Saidu Mudi and Brig Gen S Ahmed

” Our people are now going to farm compared to previous days due to the troops presence and farming patrol in various Local government areas”. The groups reiterated their resolve to work with the Nigerian Army in ensuring peace and restoration of normalcy to Zamfara state.

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