
N/west Govs Holds multilateral security meeting With Niger Republic Counterparts

By Samira Bello Shinko 

The Governors of Katsina, Sokoto, Zamfara and their counterpart from Maradi in the Niger Republic, are currently holding a multilateral security meeting in Katsina State. The meeting is In a bid to finding lasting ways, share notes and experiences to tackle and end the insecurity bedevilling their region. 

The governors physically present are Katsina, Aminu Masari; Sokoto, Aminu Tambuwal and Chaibou Aboubacar of Maradi in the Niger Republic, while Bello Muhammed of Zamfara and Atiku Bagudu of Kebbi State were represented by their deputies.

The convener of the meeting and Governor of the Maradi Region, Chaibou Aboubacar, said the meeting would come up with solutions to the security challenges in the Sahel Region.

According to him, “everyone knows our problem is the terrorists who have denied us sleep, especially in the communities around Sokoto, Zamfara and Katsina that have borders with the Niger Republic who hardly sleep.” 

He added that the participants at the meeting are one family, that deemed it necessary to come together in one voice and tackle the menace at once.

Governor Aminu Masari on his part said the state government is doing everything possible to tackle insecurity, especially at the community levels.

Aminu said, the state government has built the capacity of the traditional rulers and local government administrators to deal with the emerging real and potential threats in their areas.

In separate remarks; Governor Aminu Tambuwal of Sokoto, Bello Muhammed of Zamfara and Atiku Bagudu of Kebbi, expressed their concerns over the perennial security situation and hoped that at the end of the meeting, a lasting solution can be provided, especially synergy amongst the states.

A communique is expected to be issued at the end of the meeting.

(ait. Live)

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