
NAF Operatives  Kill Notorious Bandits leader Dogo Ali, 30 others in Kaduna

Air components of Operation Whirl Punch have killed a notorious bandit leader in Kaduna State, Ali Dogo A.K.A Yellow, and 30  fighters of his gang.

Smarts News learnt that, the criminals were killed over the last weekend during an airstrikes by the Nigerian Air force operatives on WHIRL Punch on their enclaves 

While confirming the bombardments of Yellow and his fighters, a defence intelligence source said, the notorious bandits leader and his fighters had fled  Niger State to one Alhaji Gwarzo’s house at Yadi in Giwa Local Government Area of Kaduna State for safety, following NAF’ aggressive bombardments on his location in Niger state, recently.

The source said: “Unfortunately for Yellow and his fighters, while they were having a meeting, NAF aircraft struck Alhaji Gwarzo’s house, leaving everybody in the building neutralized including Yellow”.

 Separate bombardments on same day targeting terrorists at a location Northwest of Mando in Kaduna, were also undertaken.

“Following credible intelligence of terrorists leaders and their foot soldiers converging under tree covers at the location for a meeting, the location was struck with several terrorists killed” a NAF source said.

Air Commodore Edward Gabkwet, NAF Spokesperson, confirmed the successful strikes noting that “the Air Component in keeping with the directive of the Chief of the Air Staff, Air Marshal Oladayo Amao, would continue to sustain offensive operations against these criminal elements in collaboration with the Land Component and other security agencies to rid the Joint Operations Area and indeed the entire Northwest of terrorism and other acts of criminality”.

Source: Kunnengari

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