
Former minister Ikira arraign in court for 2 count charge amidst tight security 

The former minister of communication and PDP Zamfara central senatorial candidate Alh Ikira Aliyu Bilbis was arraigned before the chief Magistrate court one Gusau by the Zamfara state Police Command amidst tight security.

Ikira Bilbis was arraigned in court on two count charges bordering on Criminal conspiracy and mischief.

Youths at the Court gate

After hearing from the prosecution counsel SP Jafar Muhammad and the defense counsel Barrister Junaidu Abubakar holding the the brief of Barrister J.C Shaka, the Presiding magistrate of the court, His worship Sa’adu Gurbin-bore said his court lacks jurisdiction to entertain the instant case.

His worship Sa’adu Gurbin-bore who was relying on the submission of the defence counsel that by the provision of section 3 and 5 of Magistrate court restriction powers 2002 which says “an accused that is brought before his court who professes Islamic faith shall be transferred to appropriate Shari’a court of jurisdiction for trial.

Police moving with the accused person to upper Shari’a Court

Magistrate Sa’adu therefore transferred the case to upper Shari’a court II Gusau for adjudication

According to the Police First Investigation Report (FIR) the former minister was accused of criminal conspiracy and mischief which are contrary to section 97 and 327 of the penal code law applicable to Zamfara State.

Ikira was accused alongside Dauda lawan Dare, Mukhtar Lugga (PDP chairman Zamfara state) Shehu Ahmed Regan, Engr Sulaiman Abubakar Gummi, Garba Yandi and Alh. Salihu Mai Buhu Gummi who are all at large as revealed by the prosecution counsel SP Jafar Muhammad of the Zamfara State Police Command.

securities in action

As at Press time the accused was at the Upper shari’a court II Gusau waiting for the judge.

SMARTS NEWS reports that security operatives have barricaded the entrance and the exit of the road leading to the court and also locked the court gate.

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