
Gov Dauda presents 2024 budget “the rescue budget” of N423 Billion

Governor Dauda Lawal of Zamfara State has presented a proposed budget of the state for 2024 fiscal year to the tune of N423,523,730,000.00 which was 223% higher than the 2023 budget. 

While presenting the budget documents to the state house of assembly today (Thursday) the governor said this year’s budget is tagged “The Rescue Budget” and it gives special consideration to six key areas that include security, education, agriculture, economic growth, health, and infrastructure. 

He noted that the proposed budget was broken down into N160,425,064,000.00 and N263,098,666,000.00 as projected recurrent revenues and capital receipts, respectively. 

While giving highlights of the 2024 budget governor Dauda said that the Policy Objectives of it included All existing policy measures will continue in the 2024 fiscal year; the proposed budget is 223% higher than the revised budget of the current year; the proposed budget is consistent with the strategic plan and our long-term vision;  It gives emphasis to citizen-nominated  projects and some programmes also considered to have a direct bearing on the yearnings and aspirations of our people;  the proposed budget is balanced as the projected revenue equals the estimated expenditure.

“Mr. Speaker, distinguished honourable members, the Zamfara State proposed 2024 budget is estimated at N423,523,730,000.00.  This is broken down into N160,425,064,000.00 and N263,098,666,000.00 as projected recurrent revenues and capital receipts, respectively.” he explained 

However he noted that revenues are based on multiple grant resources in order to make them fiscally realisable, coherent, and consistent with our medium and long-term strategic plans. 

According to him, the year has a corresponding expenditure outlay of N118,134,730,000.00 for the recurrent component and N305,389,000,000.00 for the capital component. 

He therefore mentioned some of the Capital Projects his administration intended to execute in the Year 2024 which include; Continuation of Urban Renewal programme;  construction of Mallamawa to bukkuyum road 17 kilometers;  Bukkuyum to birnin zauma to gummi;  Maradun to makera road;  Damri to Aje Wargi to Dakko to Rafin Gyero to Barayar Zaki to Nasarawar Burkullu; Maradun to Magami to Faru Road;  Magami-Dangulbi-Dankurmi-Bagega to Anka 126 kilometers; Gusau to Jauri to dogon kade to nasarawar mai layi to nasarawar godel, 53 kilometers; Kwali bridge.

Others were  Earth dams at bagega, magami and galadi, jangeru and dan Sadau;  Maru to lugga road; Tashar abu to ruwan doruwa to bingi bini; Renovation of College of Animal Science (CAS) Bakura; Yandoton-Daji-Doka-Yanwaren-Daji-Hayin-Alhaji-Bedi-Yankuzo-Tsafe road; Kwatarkwashi – Mada and Gusau to Dansadau renovation all General hospitals across the state; renovation Education facilities across the state; construction of Ultra modern diagnosis center for each of the senatorial zone as well as provision of New economic city; Execution of the Gusau Airport project and provision for social intervention programmes to cushion the effect of the prevailing economic hardship and insecurity among others.

“On this note, Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, I have the pleasure to present the Appropriation Bill for the year 2024 to the tune of N423,523,730,000.00 for your consideration and passage into law. The estimate is made up of N118,134,730,000.00 for recurrent expenditure and N305,389,000,000.00 for 

capital expenditure.” he submitted

“Under this, we have the micro-credit 

disbursement to Small and Medium

Enterprises, the FADAMA Programme for 

food security, and other poverty 

alleviation support materials. 

“Skills Acquisition programmes would be strengthened to provide job opportunities to our teeming populations 

in the State. 

The governor who reviewed the 2023 budget said it was 41% implemented.

“Mr. Speaker, Hon. Members, you are 

aware that the 2023 Budget was prepared and presented before the House by the previous administration. The sum of 

N183,522,227,000.00 was presented as the total estimate for the year, and it was based on projected recurrent revenues and capital receipts of N98,976,227,000.00 and N84,546,000,000.00,


“The corresponding recurrent and capital 

expenditure formations were 

N91,032,207,000.00 and N92,490,020,000.00, respectively. 

“Shortly after the assumption of office by our administration, the 2023 Budget was reviewed to reflect the prevailing fiscal reality and economic and administrative reforms embarked upon by the Government.  The revised 2023 budget had a projected revenue estimate  of N189,600,000,000.00, which was made up of N122,100,000,000.00 and N67,400,000,000.00 

as Recurrent and Capital Revenue, respectively. 

This was equally broken down into 

N94,900,000,000.00 and N94,700,000,000.00 as Recurrent and Capital Expenditure. The review has definitely set the ball rolling for 

actualising our identified priority areas for the rescue of Zamfara State. He recalled 

Dauda further recalled that by the end of the third quarter of the year under review, precisely the end of September, the implementation of the 2023 Budget recorded modest achievements, considering the downturn of economic activities in the country. 

“On the overall performance, the total of 

N78,242,915,758.00 has been realised as 

accrued revenue, which stands at about 41.2%.” Dauda added

“Before I conclude, I wish to express my appreciation for the robust working relationship between the executive arm and the legislature, which has significantly contributed to the accomplishments of my administration. I seize this opportunity to call upon you to maintain this momentum so as to enable us to continue working as a formidable team to salvage our dear state.

“Furthermore, I wish to extend my 

gratitude to the good people of Zamfara State for their patience, prayers, and unwavering support for this administration. 

“I use this opportunity to reaffirm my commitment to serving you with 

utmost diligence and dedication. With Allah’s grace, Zamfara State shall indeed be rescued.

“On this note, Mr. Speaker, Honourable 

Members, I have the pleasure to present the Appropriation Bill for the year 2024 to the tune of N423,523,730,000.00 for your consideration and passage into law. The estimate is made up of N118,134,730,000.00 for recurrent expenditure and N305,389,000,000.00 for 

capital expenditure.

“Finally, I thank you very much for your 

attention. May Almighty Allah bless and guide you in your deliberations. He concluded.

On his part the Speaker Zamfara State House of Assembly Bilyaminu Ismail Moriki has assured the passage of the state 2024 fiscal year proposed budget timely.

The speaker made this known today (Thursday) shortly after the state governor Dauda Lawal presented the budget tagged “The Rescue Budget” which already passed first and reading.

“I called on the budget appropriation committee to ensure and give feedback to the house in one week’s time.” The speaker said.

Earlier, the house passed a resolution to chase out the state Commissioner Ministry for Budget and economic planning for what the house described as disrespect to the house by the executive council member who refused to honour their invitation

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