
Huriyya Dauda Praises first lady Sen Oluremi’s women empowerment drive

By Rabi’atu Yusuf 

Zamfara State’s First Lady, Hajiya Huriyya Dauda Lawal, praised Senator Oluremi Bola Tinubu, the wife of the President, for her significant efforts in advancing women’s empowerment and advocating for gender-friendly policies. 

Hajiya Huriyya expressed her appreciation during the launch of the Renewed Hope Initiative Agriculture Support Programme for the North West zone. She received a ten million Naira cheque on behalf of twenty women farmers from Zamfara State as part of the initiative.

Hajia Huriyya Dauda Lawal, Zamfara State First Lady

During the ceremony, the cheque was presented to the governors’ wives of the North West region by Hajiya Fatima Tajudeen Abbas, representing the President’s Wife. The Renewed Hope Initiative aims to support 140 women in agriculture with five hundred thousand Naira each, along with providing one hundred thousand Naira each to 100 individuals with special needs.

Hajiya Fatima emphasized that the initiative would benefit twenty women farmers per state in the North West zone, with ten million Naira allocated to each state for disbursement. Furthermore, the initiative will collaborate with the federal ministry of agriculture to empower young female and male farmers.

The initiative received additional support from Hajiya Zainab Nasiru Idris, the wife of the Kebbi State Governor, who donated solar water pumping machines to the beneficiaries and provided assorted food items to individuals with special needs.

In her message, Hajiya Huriyya Dauda Lawal expressed gratitude for the initiative, highlighting its positive impact on female farmers and its contribution to shaping government policies towards gender equality and women’s empowerment nationwide.

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