
Update: PSC sacked Naja’atu, appoints AIG Lawal as replacement

By Jibril Almustapha

The Police Service Commission (PSC) has revoked the appointment of a Naja’atu Bala Muhammad as one of the veteran personnel to monitor the special duty proceedings of the Nigeria Police Force during the February 25 and March 11 general elections.

This development was contained in a public statement issued by the PSC spokesperson, Ikechukwu Ani, on Monday. 

On Sunday, Muhammad was listed as one of the PSC commissioners to oversee the activities of the Police personnel in the northwestern geo-political zone of the country during the upcoming general polls.

Recall, Media Smarts Nigeria earlier reported that the Presidential Campaign Council of the ruling party,  the APC, vehemently objected her appointment through a press statement signed by the APC PCC spokesperson cum serving minister of state Mr Festus Keyamo, SAN.

The Cable, reported that in the statement the PSC said Ms Naja’atu Bala Muhammad has been replaced by Bawa Lawal, an Assistant Inspector-General of police, rtd.

“The commission wishes to state with all sense of responsibility that its commissioners representing different geopolitical zones have always supervised assignments of the commission in the geopolitical zones they represent,” the statement reads.

“It was the same with the present national assignment.

“The commission has however decided to mandate Assistant Inspector-General of Police, Bawa Lawal rtd, who is from the same geopolitical zone with commissioner Naja’atu to take over the coordination of the monitoring of police conduct in the zone.

“The commission will always be sensitive to the wishes of Nigerians and will continue to contribute its quota to the sustenance of the nation’s democracy.

“It wishes to restate its commitment to a free and fair 2023 elections where the police as the lead agency in internal security which includes election policing will discharge its duties according to the dictates of the law.”

Meanwhile, Naja’atu Muhammad is an influential pertisan politician who has been active in politics for decades. Her productivity and performance was exposed to limelight back in the 2015 general elections wherein she immensely contributed towards the historic victory of President Muhammadu Buhari.

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